Friday, December 30, 2016


Sometimes it is difficult to find much to be thankful for. This year may be one of those times. However, if you are in this predicament, the search for good can be revealing and fulfilling.  Consider some of the following  events you may have celebrated since last Thanksgiving:

1.      A new baby or grandchild was born.
2.      Your loved one returned safely from Afghanistan.
3.      Your daughter graduated from college and got a job.
4.      Your son married a wonderful young woman.
5.      The x-rays proved that your mother’s fall resulted in only a bruised hip.
6.      Your husband or wife still has a job.
7.      The breast test came back negative.
8.      You celebrated fifty years of marriage.
9.      You lost 15 pounds
10.   Your oldest child started kindergarten.
11.  Your pet loves you.
12.   You have a sense of humor.
13.  You can gaze at the sunset, or the tide rolling in, or the snow on the mountains.
14.  You give and receive love.
15.  Your child gave you a homemade Mother’s Day card.
16.   You received sufficient rainfall for your crops.
17.   Your roses bloomed all summer.
18.   Your son escaped without a scratch when he totaled his car.
19.   Your husband gave you a surprise party.
20.   Your neighbor shared his zucchini with you. J
             Give thanks for our servicemen, police, and firemen who risk their lives to keep
              us safe.

A major blessing is our Bill of Rights. No other country has a much individual    freedom as we do. Give thanks for the freedom of the press, religion, assembly, to bear arms, to vote, trial by our peers, unreasonable search and seizure. Give thanks for our unique Constitution.  

This is a short list. I’m sure you can think of many more. Some may appear frivolous, but think about it – they are each a blessing.

The Bible says laughter is good medicine. A positive attitude puts a spring in your step and is contagious. All those around you benefit. Remember, some things are like the weather, you can’t do anything about it. So, as the old adage says, “When you’re dealt a lemon, make lemonade.”

Most importantly, remember your heavenly Father is still on His throne and in control.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Celebrate. Have a happy and blessed New Year.